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//! yew-notifications notifications components library for [Yew](
//! It's like [react-toastify]( but for [yew]( and more simpler.
//! The purpose of this library is to provide the ability to easily add notifications to the yew web app.
//! # Examples
//! * [basic]( shows how to use the `yew-notifications` library and built-in notifications.
//! * [custom]( shows how to write custom notifications.
mod hook;
mod manager;
#[cfg(feature = "standard-notification")]
mod notification;
mod provider;
mod utils;
use std::any::Any;
pub use hook::use_notification;
pub use manager::NotificationsManager;
#[cfg(feature = "standard-notification")]
pub use notification::{
Notification, NotificationComponent, NotificationComponentProps, NotificationFactory, NotificationType,
pub use provider::{NotificationsPosition, NotificationsProvider, NotificationsProviderProps};
use time::Duration;
use uuid::Uuid;
use yew::{Callback, Html, MouseEvent};
/// This trait provides an interface for the notification. Everything,
/// that implements this trait, can be used in the [`NotificationsProvider`].
/// # Lifetime
/// Every notification has such thing as *lifetime*.
/// This is simply the amount of time that this notification is still "alive" (which means is present on the screen or is visible).
/// Methods like [`Notifiable::apply_tick`], [`Notifiable::is_alive`], etc, are used by library internal to control life of the notification.
pub trait Notifiable: Any {
/// Returns the id of the notification. Every notification has the id of the Uuid type and it should be unique.
fn id(&self) -> Uuid;
/// Applies some amount of time to this notification.
/// # Arguments
/// * `time` - An amount of time that has been spent.
fn apply_tick(&mut self, time: Duration);
/// Check if the notification is still "alive".
/// If it returns false, then this notification will be deleted (disappeared) on the next time tick.
fn is_alive(&self) -> bool;
/// Check if the notification is still "paused".
/// It means, that when notification is paused (this function returns true)
/// then time does not affect the notification lifetime.
fn is_paused(&self) -> bool;
/// This function calls when the mouse enters this notification.
fn mouse_in(&mut self);
/// This function calls when the mouse leaves this notification.
fn mouse_out(&mut self);
/// This trait provides an interface for the notification component factory.
/// This trait implementors are used be `yew-notifications` for notification components rendering.
pub trait NotifiableComponentFactory<T: Notifiable> {
/// Creates a new notification component that can be rendered in `yew`.
fn component(
notification: T,
onclick: Callback<MouseEvent>,
onenter: Callback<MouseEvent>,
onleave: Callback<MouseEvent>,
) -> Html;